Shedding Some Light On The Aspect Of Nexus EMR

EMRs, or electronic medical records, are critical in how healthcare providers keep medical records, provide treatment, and manage finances. The benefits of Nexus EMR extend beyond providing high-quality patient care to include incentive programs for healthcare businesses. They're especially important for single-practice clinics and family doctors, who don't always share patient records across disciplines. What is Electronic Medical Records (EMR)? Simply described, an EMR is a set of computerized records used by doctors to keep track of patient health information. EMR systems give interfaces and a variety of features to both large and small healthcare facilities. They're used to manage payments, process insurance claims, schedule patient appointments, add new patients, distribute information, and keep track of patient health information. In addition, they enable clinics to integrate ICD-10, HIPAA 5010, and meaningful use criteria with reimbursement and regulatory changes....